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2024/08/18 ver1.00 [WEBブラウザ版ゲームの初公開]
- 対応OS

- 頒布形態
- 完全無料
- カテゴリ
- その他のゲーム
- 最終更新日
- 2024年 8月 18日
- DL回数
- プレイ回数
- 制作者
- ShiGame
- 制作サイト
- ci-en
- Version
- 1.00
- 本体サイズ
- 62MB
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スマホでやるととにかく視点操作がゴミだった パソコン欲しい
How interesting the game is
Taking a shy girl out on a date for the first time is a great premise for a desperation-themed game. The novel-like prologue does a great job of providing the necessary buildup. The skillful usage of the genre's tropes serves to make the player excited for the main elevator scene. The elevator is a particularly fitting choice of setting because of the girl's inability to just leave and go to the bathroom - leaving her no choice but to hold it. All in all, the game felt engaging to me and I was excited to see how the story ends.
It is always more alluring to see a girl in a state of pee desperation when she is pretty and wearing an attractive outfit, and Hifumi not disappoint.
There is a number of sounds used for the purpose of better immersion - for example, Hifumi tapping her foot in the elevator. However, I feel there could be a better variety of those. Also, there is only a single background music track for the entire duration of the prologue. I think the music variety could be used as a tool to better convey the current state of urgency of the character. Hifumi's lines are not voiced - however, as this is not important to me personally, I only mention this for the purpose of the review.
The visual novel part of the game operates as expected, and even if you're a player from outside Japan like myself, the author has provided the text lines at the blog (https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/12323/article/1215983) - you can easily paste them into Google Translator and enjoy the story. The 3D part of the game allows you to control the camera to pick the best angle to enjoy the scene from. You can even look up Hifumi's skirt :)
The choice to split the game into separate "visual novel" and 3D parts is certainly interesting and has the benefit of not having to replay the whole game (even if the prologue is fairly short) to get a different ending. However, there are also some downsides to using such approach - this leaves the player no ability to make any meaningful decisions in the prologue, because the 3D part of the game needs to be standalone. This, of course, limits the player's agency to that of a simple bystander - which is somewhat disappointing. On the other hand, the author understands that in such a game fetish content does not need to be a reward for solving puzzles or crawling dungeons, as a result the game is straight to the point and does not overstay its welcome.
I also think such a game could benefit from specific UI elements, like the clock to illustrate passage of time as well as the character's bladder fullness. In this game all of it is achieved through means of storytelling, which is sufficient, but could be improved upon.
Is it original?
Yes, this game is pretty unique for two reasons. First reason is it incorporates both the story and animations. This is in great contrast to other omorashi games creators, such as ShikkinGames or CitrusLaboratory, who tend to emphasize only one aspect while overlooking the other one. ShiGame's complex approach to creating a pee desperation experience works best for such a game, as such I hope the author will stick to it in the future.
And the second reason is dividing the game into two distinct parts - one being visual novel and another being 3D - is an interesting and certainly unorthodox choice. Even though such approach has its own flaws, which I briefly addressed above - we cannot deny it its originality.
Appeal as 18+ game
It's difficult to talk about this without spoilers, so I'm just going to say that the experience on the whole is pretty erotic, which is achieved by:
- the complex approach to desperation experience (story + animations)
- the girl being pretty and wearing an attractive outfit
- the choice of setting
- the usage of desperation tropes
- the usage of sounds to illustrate desperation buildup